AikiWeb Aikido Information
Jiai has been a place of connection for Aikido practitioners worldwide, for many years now, and was the host of the very first Bridge Seminar held 18 years ago. Please join us with instructors …
AikiWeb Aikido Information: Language: Aikido Vocabulary
The word "aikido" is made up of three Japanese characters: AI - harmony, KI - spirit, mind, or universal energy, DO - the Way. Thus aikido is "the Way of Harmony with Universal Energy." …
AikiWeb Aikido Information: Aikido Dojo Search Engine: Search …
Aikido: AikiWeb Aikido Information AikiWeb: The Source for Aikido Information AikiWeb's principal purpose is to serve the Internet community as a repository and dissemination point for aikido …
AikiWeb Aikido Forums
Mar 6, 2025 · Hello and thank you for visiting AikiWeb, the world's most active online Aikido community! This site is home to over 22,000 aikido practitioners from around the world and …
AikiWeb Aikido Information: Aikido Dojo Search Engine
1,742,542 aikido dojo searches completed since 1997 5,487 total aikido dojo in 129 countries
AikiWeb Aikido Information: Weapons: Sword and Aikido
Just as in aikido, this basic way of cutting with the sword is dependent on a continual expansion of our feeling; in fact, that is the life of the movement itself. In addition, the footwork and total …
Aikido does not work at all in a fight. - AikiWeb Aikido Forums
Oct 19, 2000 · It is a common standing lock in aikido called Hiji-kime. He used this to wear down Royce and broke Renzo's arm in consecutive Pride Fights. If it wasn't aikido, how he used it to …
Why do some people hate Aikido? - AikiWeb Aikido Forums
Oct 9, 2006 · If that summary is in fact true, ( please overlook the ultra simplification of the saying) then that statement would drive millions of inquirers away from Aikido. The techniques of …
Best Aikido Movies - AikiWeb Aikido Forums
Jul 14, 2014 · Hello and thank you for visiting AikiWeb, the world's most active online Aikido community! This site is home to over 22,000 aikido practitioners from around the world and …
Donovan Waite Sensei Passes Away - AikiWeb Aikido Forums
Feb 22, 2021 · Donovan Waite Sensei Passes Away AikiWeb System. Posted 2021-02-22 15:18:35 by Jun Akiyama I have just been informed that Donovan Waite (7th dan, Aikido …