Werebeast Token Pack by RavenBohique - Itch.io
This is a collection of werebeast's with their hybrid and animal forms. The pack contains the following: Wererat + Giant Rat; Wereraven + Raven; Werebat + Giant Bat; Werewolf + Wolf; Wereboar + Boar; Weretiger + Tiger; Werebear + Bear
Werebeast Tokens | Roll20 Marketplace: Digital goods for online ...
Can include tokens, figures, maps, token borders, or portraits.
Lycanthrope - Forgotten Realms Wiki | Fandom
A lycanthrope (pronounced: /ˈl aɪ k ə n θ r oʊ p/ LY-kən-throhp or: /ˈl aɪ k æ n θ r oʊ p/ LY-kæn-throhp), also known as a werebeast, weretype, or nightwalker, was an individual who possessed the condition of lycanthropy.
D&D Token Collection for Roll20, Fantasy Grounds, e.t.c. : r/DnD - Reddit
Aug 16, 2021 · Beasts: 43 miscellaneous beast and animal tokens such as owlbears or lions, as well as 6 sub-folders dedicated to Bats, Bears, Dinosaurs, Horses and Snakes. Bird-folk: 11 tokens of aarakocra and other bird-folk. Celestials: 6 meagre tokens of celestial creatures such as unicorns and flumphs.
Lycanthropes and Werebeasts in D&D 5e – Flutes Loot
Apr 16, 2023 · With their intelligent hunting prowess, wild bloodthirst, and eerie ability to blend in with common villagers, Lycanthropes (werebeasts) effortlessly add a touch of terror to low-level campaigns.
Lycanthrope and Werebeast Guide for Players and DMs - Black …
Jul 19, 2021 · Playing a werebeast offers access to hidden abilities and unusual role-playing opportunities. And for DM’s, lycanthropes add mystery and danger to the story. Having these shapeshifting monsters in the game will keep the players on their toes.
Embracing Your Wild Side: Playing As a Lycanthrope in D&D
Apr 27, 2021 · These classic shapeshifters are a varied bunch in Dungeons & Dragons, ranging from the archetypal werewolf to the unorthodox wereraven. This article will focus on how to play your character as a lycanthrope, plus the rules surrounding them in the Monster Manual.
Lycanthropes Expanded - New Monster and New Rules For Becoming ... - Reddit
Oct 9, 2023 · I'm Maxwell, and I'm thrilled to introduce you to my extensive DnD 5e lycanthrope expansion. This comprehensive expansion offers a plethora of new monsters and player options, catering to the werebeast enthusiasts among you.
Digital Tokens - Wider Path Games
All digital tokens purchased from this website come with a commercial license allowing royalty-free, unlimited use forever.
Werebear - Monsters - D&D Beyond
Dungeons & dragons need to fix that rule , untill they do because they are too lazy lol, I have created a feat , for all of you dungeon Master's and players Giving lycanthropy and vampirism as a feat ,(curse or disease) according to basic rules Manuals skill and appropriate spells . So player and dungeon Master's may fully enjoy being a ...