The Accidental Pimp - Royal Road
Aug 13, 2021 · The Accidental Pimp is a character driven fantasy dramedy focusing on the lives of a gladiator and a prostitute. It's faster paced than slice of life but a bit slower than traditional serials. It features a slow burn romance, graphic violence, LGBT characters, some sexual situations, healthy polyamory but NOT a harem, and a dumb title I can't ...
The Accidental Pimp - Scribble Hub
It follows the life of Quentin an Albino man, moonkissed, they call him that is shunned by society, only being able to find work as the city's executioner in the colosseum.
The Accidental Pimp - Barnes & Noble
Jan 3, 2014 · The Accidental Pimp is a new delayed coming of age romantic comedy story set in an urban fantasy kingdom reminiscent of Greco-Roman controlled Egypt. At its heart it's a story about one man learning to live and love in the midst of …
Chapter 68: If You Want Blood - The Accidental Pimp - Royal Road
Oct 7, 2022 · Quentin fought to keep himself upright as the people around him spoke over each other, all trying to tell him everything that happened. There was an attack. They overwhelmed Jonas and Demetrius and took Razia.
Chapter 32: The Rules - The Accidental Pimp - Royal Road
There was a pretty big difference between accidentally stumbling along into an unplanned role and going out to perform that role intentionally. One was as natural as breathing, and the other like noticing you’re breathing and then having to remember to keep it up. Razia reassured him it would be fine, but she had him all kinds of confused lately.
The Accidental Pimp by Joseph Austin - Goodreads
Jan 3, 2014 · The Accidental Pimp is a new delayed coming of age romantic comedy story set in an urban fantasy kingdom reminiscent of Greco-Roman controlled Egypt. At its heart it's a story about one man learning to live and love in the midst of …
The Accidental Pimp - Chapter 60: One Big Happy Family
Chapter 60: One Big Happy Family. Samantha wasn’t unaware of what people thought of her. For the most part, it was largely positive and she took pride in her reputation. Everyone knew her as the sweet, innocent one. A bit dim, maybe, but always kind and bright and cheery.
The Accidental Pimp - Scribble Hub
The Accidental Pimp Quentin is a deeply depressed man, a hermit and anonymous celebrity who kills people to the sound of applause. Razia is a fast woman, perpetually on the run from the consequences of her actions.
The Accidental Pimp - Chapter 3 - Archive of Our Own
The Accidental Pimp SalaciousSatyr, SmilingSatyr (SalaciousSatyr) Chapter 3: Quentin Quintius Chapter by SmilingSatyr (SalaciousSatyr) Summary: Meet the man underneath the executioner's mask. Chapter Text. Chapter 3: Quentin Quintus “What the hell was that?” Demetrius growled.
Chapter 91: Only A kiss - The Accidental Pimp | Royal Road
Mar 10, 2023 · Four days into their collective held breath, Isa was about ready to go crazy. Over half of their time of pretending things were okay was over, and nothing had improved. Sure, nothing was going especially badly.