Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union - Wikipedia
The Supreme Soviet of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (SSUSSR) [a] was the highest body of state authority of the Soviet Union (USSR) from 1936 to 1991. Based on the principle …
Supreme Soviet - Wikipedia
The Supreme Soviet (Russian: Верховный Совет, romanized: Verkhovny Sovet, lit. 'Supreme Council') was the common name for the legislative bodies (parliaments) of the Soviet socialist …
Presidium of the Supreme Soviet - Wikipedia
The Presidium of the Supreme Soviet (Russian: Президиум Верховного Совета, romanized: Prezidium Verkhovnogo Soveta) was the standing body of the highest body of state authority …
Supreme Soviet - Encyclopedia.com
In the USSR, the bicameral Supreme Soviet was the chief, central legislative organ of the Soviet state. The constitutions of 1936 and 1977 followed closely the wording of the two preceding …
Supreme Soviet | Soviet government | Britannica - Encyclopedia Britannica
Supreme Soviet as the highest organ of state power, took place in March 1989. About 88 percent of the deputies were communists, but by then the Communist Party was no longer a monolithic …
Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union - Simple English Wikipedia, …
The Supreme Soviet of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (Russian: Верховный Совет Союза Советских Социалистических Республик, tr. Verkhovnyy Sovet Soyuza Sovetskikh …
Supreme Soviet - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Supreme Soviet (Russian: Верховный Совет, romanized: Verkhovny Sovet, lit. 'Supreme Council') was the common name for the legislative bodies (parliaments) of the Soviet socialist …
Supreme Soviet of Russia - Wikipedia
The Supreme Soviet of the Russian SFSR was established to be similar in structure to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR in 1938, replacing the All-Russian Congress of Soviets as the …
Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union - ProleWiki
The Supreme Soviet of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (SSUSSR) was the main legislative body of the Soviet Union from 1936 to 1991, replacing the Congress of Soviets.
Presidium of the Supreme Soviet - Britannica
In Soviet Union …small group known as the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet, itself strongly influenced by the Politburo of the CPSU, and were unanimously approved by the deputies. …