Utilization of shale cuttings in production of lightweight aggregates
Feb 1, 2019 · The shale drill cuttings were characterized as a prospective additive to fly ash for the production of lightweight aggregates using a physicochemical examination of the bonding and bloating parameters.
Drill cuttings - Wikipedia
Drill cuttings can be separated from liquid drilling fluid by shale shakers, by centrifuges, or by cyclone separators, the latter also being effective for air drilling.
LithoFlex Shale-Cuttings Evaluation-While-Drilling Service | SLB
The LithoFlex multifactor shale-cuttings evaluation-while-drilling service provides near-real-time formation evaluation of cuttings using reliable and repeatable measurements.
Pressure prediction: analysis of cuttings - AAPG Wiki
Feb 17, 2022 · Shale cuttings densities are measured at the well site by dropping chips into a glass cylinder containing a stratified sequence of liquids whose density increases downward. Beads of known density are dropped into the cylinder.
Mudlogging: drill cuttings analysis - AAPG Wiki
Jan 24, 2022 · Drill cuttings are typically collected from the rig shale shakers, a sluice box in the possum belly, or the desander/desilter outlets (see Land rigs). Most rigs have one or more shaker screens for separating the cuttings from the mud.
Experimental Analysis of Shale Cuttings Migration in Horizontal …
Oct 19, 2024 · By comparing the migration behavior of flaky shale cuttings to that of spherical glass particles, the experiment aimed to highlight how particle shape impacts the formation of cuttings beds and the overall efficiency of cuttings transport.
Estimating hardness and Young's modulus of shale using drill cuttings …
Oct 1, 2023 · • The study highlights the effectiveness of rock physics models in investigating the impact of mineralogy, porosity, and aspect ratios on shale properties. • The analysis of microhardness and indent morphology in drill cuttings is shown to provide a qualitative assessment of shale brittleness.
Utilization of shale cuttings in production of lightweight aggregates
Feb 1, 2019 · In view of this, the possibility to apply shale drill cuttings as a prospective additive (replacing bentonite) to fly ash used for the production of lightweight aggregates (LWAs) was investigated. Moreover, a facile, waste-free method of LWAs production with …
Nanoindentation of Shale Cuttings and Its Application to Cor
The present study proposes a new method applicable to the cuttings to determine the geomechanical properties of shale formations at the core scale from nanoindentations. In particular, the Young’s moduli have been determined from cuttings, and the results are compared with those of the core plugs.
Drilling Cuttings Separation - Drilling Fluid Management & Disposal
Dec 28, 2017 · Cuttings from wells drilled in the North Sea typically are composed primarily of sandstone and shale. Westerlund et al. identified quartz and barite as the two most abundant minerals in cuttings from the Beryl A and Ekofisk 2/4A platforms.