Scouting Six Action Report: 4-6 June 1942 - CV-6
On Thursday, June 4, 1942, Scouting Squadron Six participated in an attack on a Japanese force consisting of four aircraft carriers, several battleships or heavy cruisers, and many destroyers, about 150 miles Northwest of Midway Island.
USS Enterprise (CV-6) Scouting Squadron 6 Action Report
Feb 20, 2018 · One Scouting Six plane was at Ewa Field reserviced and armed. Two Scouting Six planes were shot down by enemy aircraft after accounting for at least one Japanese single-seater fighter of a...
Enterprise Air Group - Wikipedia
The fourth squadron, Scouting Six (VS-6) also had the SBD-2 Dauntless, but was more focused on the scout bomber role. This air group was embarked on board the Enterprise at the time of the attack on Pearl Harbor .
Norman “Dusty” Kleiss, Scouting Squadron 6 - The National WWII Museum
As dozens of their players left the gridiron for battlefields overseas, the cities of Philadelphia and Pittsburgh joined forces to keep the decimated NFL squads up and running.
Scout Squadron 6 During the Pearl Harbor Attack
Scout Squadron 6 departed from the aircraft carrier Enterprise and arrived over Pearl Harbor simultaneously with the Japanese.
Bombing Six Action Report: 4-6 June 1942 - CV-6
On Thursday, June 4, 1942, Bombing Squadron Six participated in an attack on a Japanese force consisting of four aircraft carriers, several battleships or heavy cruisers, and a number of destroyers, about 150 miles northwest of Midway Island.
Scouting Squadron Six Action Report: 7 December 1941 - CV-6
Two Scouting Six planes were shot down by enemy aircraft after accounting for at least one Japanese single-seat fighter of a group which attacked this section. One Scouting Six plane was shot down by our own anti-aircraft fire. What happened to …
Pearl Harbor Attack: USS Enterprise (CV-6) Scouting Squadron 6 …
One Scouting Six plane was at Ewa Field reserviced and armed. Two Scouting Six planes were shot down by enemy aircraft after accounting for at least one Japanese single-seater fighter of a group which attacked this section.
Don Hoff, Scouting Squadron 6, USS Enterprise (CV-6)
Hear about Don Hoff’s experiences in the Battle of Midway as a radioman and gunner flying in SBD Dauntless dive-bombers. Despite early challenges to women’s place in the Navy, the WAVES’s establishment as a part of the Navy itself, not a corps or auxiliary like the WAACs, was “precedent-breaking.”
USS Enterprise (CV-6) Air Group Action Report - NHHC
Feb 20, 2018 · Lieut. C.E. Dickensen, USN, Scouting Squadron Six, after having been attacked by superior numbers of Japanese planes and under constant AA fire from the ground was forced to bail out, his...