Crying Face Emoji - Emojipedia
A yellow face with raised eyebrows and a slight frown, shedding a single, blue tear from one eye down its cheek. May convey a moderate degree of sadness or pain, usually less intensely than 😭 Loudly Crying Face. Not to be confused with 😥 Sad but Relieved Face, 😪 …
undefined Emoji - Emojipedia
A yellow face with tears welling up at the bottom of its two large eyes. May be used to express a range of emotions including sadness, anger, embarrassment, admiration, and gratitude. 🥲 Smiling Face with Tear and 🥺 Pleading Face can be used in some similar contexts.
Smiling Face with Tear Emoji - Emojipedia
undefined Emoji. Emoji Categories Vendors & Platforms Events & Topics. en English.
Sad - Emojipedia
A selection of sadness-related smiley emojis, with pained, negative, or occasioanlly mean expressions. They may be crying, unwell, angry, or just generally upset. See all smiley emojis in 😃 Smileys & People or overly 😄 Happy smiley emojis.
Loudly Crying Face Emoji - Emojipedia
A yellow face with an open mouth wailing and streams of heavy tears flowing from closed eyes. May convey inconsolable grief but also other intense feelings, such as uncontrollable laughter, pride or overwhelming joy. In March 2021, 😭 Loudly Crying Face became the …
Face with Tears of Joy Emoji - Emojipedia
A yellow face with a big grin, uplifted eyebrows, and smiling eyes, each shedding a tear from laughing so hard. Widely used to show something is funny or pleasing. Named the Oxford Dictionaries 2015 Word of the Year, and the most used emoji on all platforms from 2011-2021.
Search results for tear - Emojipedia
Search results for tear 🥲 Smiling Face with Tear 📆 Tear-Off Calendar 😢 Crying Face 😿 Crying Cat 😪 Sleepy Face 💧 Droplet 😹 Cat with Tears of Joy 🤣 Rolling on the Floor Laughing 😂 Face with Tears of Joy 😭 Loudly Crying Face 🥹 Face Holding Back Tears 😥 Sad but Relieved Face 😰 …
What Does The Loudly Crying Face Emoji Mean? [Emojiology]
Jun 13, 2018 · In emoji-dom, 😂 Face With Tears of Joy holds court as a go-to and baseline for marking something as funny or enjoyable, keeping us running to ever more heightened and expressive ways to register strong feelings, like 😭 Loudly Crying Face.
Smiling Face with Tear Emoji - Emojipedia
A yellow face with open eyes, a thin closed-mouth smile, and a single tear falling from one of its eyes. Can be used to express a wide range of emotions and expressions including gratitude, tender happiness, an attempt to look happy when actually sad, or smiling through pain. Can also be a response to something that is bittersweet.
Crying Cat Emoji - Emojipedia
These are the emojis you’ll likely see in the starting lineup. The Best Birthday Emojis 🎉🥳🎁 Our personal new years are full of opportunities for emojis to help us celebrate our growth—and have some much-earned festive fun along the way.