About Pneumoconioses | Pneumoconioses | CDC
Jan 19, 2024 · The primary pneumoconioses are: Abestosis – caused by inhaling asbestos fibers Silicosis – caused by inhaling silica dust Coal workers' pneumoconiosis (commonly referred to as CWP or black lung) caused by inhaling coal mine dust There is also a form called mixed-dust pneumoconiosis. Byssinosis, caused by exposure to cotton dust, is sometimes included with …
Trends in Pneumoconiosis Deaths — United States, 1999–2018
Jun 11, 2020 · This report describes the trends in pneumoconiosis-associated deaths and the need for maintaining exposure prevention measures and continued surveillance.
Pneumoconiosis and Advanced Occupational Lung Disease …
Jun 15, 2012 · Pneumoconiosis and Advanced Occupational Lung Disease Among Surface Coal Miners — 16 States, 2010–2011 Weekly June 15, 2012 / 61 (23);431-434 Coal workers' pneumoconiosis (CWP) is a chronic occupational lung disease caused by long-term inhalation of dust, which triggers inflammation of the alveoli, eventually resulting in irreversible lung …
Black Lung | Mining | CDC
Oct 9, 2024 · Coal mine dust (called respirable dust) is the leading cause of black lung disease (i.e., coal workers' pneumoconiosis, or CWP). CWP was the underlying or contributing cause of death for 75,178 miners from 1970– 2016. NIOSH has conducted engineering control, dust monitoring, and other types of research to address dust exposure.
Coal Workers' Pneumoconiosis-Related Years of Potential Life Lost ...
Dec 25, 2009 · Coal Workers' Pneumoconiosis-Related Years of Potential Life Lost Before Age 65 Years --- United States, 1968--2006 Coal workers' pneumoconiosis (CWP) is a preventable, slowly progressive parenchymal lung disease caused by inhalation and deposition of coal mine dust in the lungs. The incidence and rate of CWP progression is related to the amount of …
The decline in overall pneumoconiosis mortality primar-ily reflects the decrease in coal workers’ pneumoconiosis and silicosis deaths, which together accounted for nearly one third (31.6%) of all pneumoconiosis-associated deaths reported during 1999–2018.
ILO Classification for B Readers | Radiographic Screening | CDC
The International Labor Organization (ILO) International Classification of Radiographs of Pneumoconioses is used for epidemiological studies, screening and surveillance of workers exposed to dust in the workplace, and clinical purposes. The NIOSH B Reader Program certifies physicians in the ILO classification system.
Changing Patterns of Pneumoconiosis Mortality --- United States, …
The geographic distributions of mortality for each type of pneumoconiosis for the 1968--1981 and 1982--2000 periods indicate that asbestosis increased substantially throughout the United States, particularly in the coastal states, where asbestos was used frequently in shipbuilding (Figure 2); CWP and the other pneumoconioses, which tend to ...
Advanced Pneumoconiosis Among Working Underground Coal …
A total of 37 cases of advanced pneumoconiosis (including four cases reported previously) were identified. Measures are needed to prevent further occurrence of this disease among underground coal miners.
Mining and Silicosis | Mining | CDC
Oct 9, 2024 · The two main types of pneumoconioses that affect miners are silicosis and coal workers' pneumoconiosis. During the extraction, transport, and processing of coal, ore, or stone in underground and surface mining operations, significant amounts of airborne respirable dust can be generated and expose workers.