Practice your mousing skills with the following Mousercise
This very simple game teaches kids to move the mouse and click. It also helps them to begin thinking spatially as they predict their character’s trajectory when he jumps. Basic hand-eye …
Practice your mousing skills with Mousercise. - seniornetli.org
Practice your mousing skills with Mousercise. Click the Let's Start Mousercising button below to begin.
Dragon Drop | Computer Mouse Practice Game for Kids
Dragon Drop is a fun way for kids of all ages to practice their computer mouse skills. In this mouse game for kids, there are 20 stages that increase in difficulty. The stages are repetitive, so with …
Games - Mouse House
Practice your Mouse Skills through Games. Have Fun! Beginning computer users learn mouse skills through hand-eye coordination by dragging, dropping, clicking, double-clicking, and …
Mouse Accuracy - Mouse Accuracy and Pointer Click Training
Improve your skills with your mouse, become faster and more accurate each time you play! From professional gamers to casual computer users, Mouse Accuracy is a free browser based game …
16 Websites to Teach Mouse Skills - Jacqui Murray
Oct 5, 2015 · 16 Websites to Teach Mouse Skills. One of the most important pre-keyboarding skills is how to use the mouse. The mouse hold is not intuitive and if learned wrong, becomes …
Mouse Accuracy Trainer
A small browser game to train your mouse click accuracy.
Mouse exercise - Skillsworkshop
Mar 11, 2007 · A very useful sheet (best used on-screen) providing online links to a range of mouse exercises where learners can learn about right and left clicking, double clicking, drag …
Mousercise - Bridge The Digital Divide
Practice your mousing skills with the following Mousercise. Click the 'Let's start mousercising!' button below to begin. What is BridgeLa? We use e-Waste to create Social Impact by …
Practice your mousing skills with the following Mousercise
Players must remember the locations of three distinct objects, then use their mouse techniques to point out right spot. Simple game for all ages.