Front Page - The Fathers of Mercy
The Fathers of Mercy is a Roman Catholic Congregation of Priests whose primary Apostolate is preaching parish missions and retreats, with an emphasis on the Sacraments of the Holy …
What does it mean that God is the Father of mercies (2 …
Sep 18, 2023 · In the Parable of the Prodigal Son, Jesus tells a story of a wayward son who is met with open arms by his forgiving father (Luke 15:11–32). This symbolizes that God, the …
Fr. John Broussard - The Fathers of Mercy
Mar 11, 2025 · Mass: Monday - Saturday 7:30 AM Sunday Mass: 10:00 AM Daily Holy Hour: 4:30 PM Confessions: Daily 6-7pm, Before & After Sunday Mass
Being Mercy: The Parable of the Merciful Father
May 16, 2016 · It is the Father’s mercy that saves us. In the end we are all saved by the relentless, inexhaustible, unconditional mercy of God. Father Joe Corpora, CSC , is the …
2 Corinthians 1:3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord …
He is "the Father of mercies," the genitive being possibly a Hebraism, used in place of the cognate adjective; in which case it is identical with "God, the merciful Father," in Jewish …
Fathers of Mercy - Wikipedia
The Fathers of Mercy, formally known as the Congregation of the Priests of Mercy (Latin: Congregatio Presbyterorum a Misericordia; abbreviated CPM), [1] is a Catholic religious …
Fathers of Mercy - YouTube
In this video, Father Bill Casey, C.P.M., Father Ken Geraci, C.P.M., and Father Wade Menezes C.P.M., reflect on what it is to be a Fathers of Mercy Priest. They reflect on the history, and...
'Merciful Like the Father' - The Divine Mercy
"Jesus Christ is the face of the Father's mercy," Pope Francis says in opening his bull. In this light, "Merciful like the Father" is the motto he chose for the extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy. It …
Pope Francis on the Parable of the Merciful Father
Pope Francis is impressed by the parable of the merciful father, because it gives him great hope. Read his reflection on mercy and forgiveness.
General Audience of 21 September 2016: 30. Merciful like the Father …
Sep 21, 2016 · We have heard the passage from the Gospel of Luke (6:36-38) that inspired the motto of this extraordinary Holy Year: Merciful like the Father. The complete phrase reads: “Be …