(PDF) Production and Marketing of Major Lowland Pulses in …
Dec 30, 2018 · The major lowland pulses include common bean, cow pea, mung bean, and pigeon pea. They are mainly cultivated in areas with high temperature, erratic rainfall, and short growing...
What are Pulses? - Pulses
Pulses are annual crops that yield between one and 12 grains or seeds. The term “pulses” is limited to crops harvested solely as dry grains, which differentiates them from other vegetable crops that are harvested while still green.
Pulse crops, an essential part of the dietary requirement for most Ethiopians, are grown mostly by private peasant holdings under rainfed conditions. They contribute about 8% to the total daily calorie intake of the Ethiopian diet against 63% of cereals and about 17% of …
Lowland Pulse
The supply of the breeder seed has stimulated the production and supply of successive seeds and this has substantially increased Lowland pulses largely common bean production and productivity. Seed production and supply of mung bean is growing and needs improvement.
Abstract: Haricot bean (phaseolus vulgaris L.) is among the five pulse crops predominantly grown in Ethiopia. The experiment was conducted to determine the effect of plant density on yield components of haricot bean in randomized complete block design with three replications.
Ethiopian Pulses Production and Marketing | PDF | Bean | Legume
This document reviews the production, marketing, and prospects of major lowland pulses in Ethiopia. It finds that common bean is the most important lowland pulse crop, contributing significantly to food security, export earnings, and employment.
Productivity gap of pulse crops can be minimized through utilization of improved technology to enhance smallholder farmer’s income and their food security. The current productivity of pulse crops falls significantly below the demonstrated potential. For example, current average chickpea yields are 20.6 quintals per hectare
Pulse Crops Production Opportunities, Challenges and Its Value …
Pulse crops are the third largest exported crop, thus they have a positive impact on the trade balance, and contribute to the country's foreign exchange reserves more than cereal crops. It is particularly noteworthy that pulses have a very low water footprint compared with other crops.
Apr 29, 2024 · Pulse crops like chickpea, blackgram, greengram and cowpea are suitable pulse crops for sustainable intensification of mechanically harvested lowland rice fallow during rabi season which benefit farmers economically and improve soil fertility due to nitrogen fixation.
Major pulse crops differ depending upon climate, farming system, local preferences, food habit, market value, input availability and government policy of each country (Table 3).