This lowercase stop sign : r/mildlyinteresting - Reddit
Jan 14, 2017 · Yes, and going off your point, technically you cannot get a ticket for running a stop sign in a parking lot. Edit. Apparently this is incorrect, as somebody else has commented they've gotten pulled over for this before. And if the propert owners request that police enforce traffic laws dictated by their signage, this can happen.
This weird lower-case stop sign : r/mildlyinteresting - Reddit
May 20, 2017 · I ran a stop sign in a Target parking lot and hit a car when I was a stupid teenager. The cops showed up to make an accident report. The lady I hit repeatly asked the cops if I was going to get a ticket for failing to stop and one of the cops said it wasn't a real traffic sign.
Lowercase stop sign : r/oddlyterrifying - Reddit
Jul 8, 2021 · The city will not supply an official sign and you can't legally put up an official sign without paying a hefty fee. My guess is the shopping center decided to just have someone make that was not affiliated with the city and they used lower case letters to prove it wasn't from the city.
A lowercase stop sign : r/mildlyinteresting - Reddit
Mar 12, 2019 · All the signs are smaller than a normal stop sign. Plus, the font is different and entirely lowercase. For whatever reason, chick fil a made their own stop signs.
Lowercase Stopsign : r/mildlyinteresting - Reddit
Jul 8, 2021 · Posted by u/KungFuPandasDad - 65,769 votes and 1,859 comments
This lowercase stop sign : r/mildlyinteresting - Reddit
Aug 24, 2020 · That stop sign has seen some shit and now puts it's solemn message out into the universe with fear and trauma in its eyes. All it wants is for people to please "stop" so nobody else gets hurt. After years of its loudest cries being unheard, all it can do is plead.
lowercase stop sign : r/mildlyinteresting - Reddit
Sep 15, 2022 · 47 votes, 13 comments. 23M subscribers in the mildlyinteresting community. Aww, cripes. I didn't know I'd have to write a description.
This lowercase stop sign : r/mildlyinteresting - Reddit
Apr 29, 2018 · Lowercase letters. Not regulation height. This is not a legally enforceable stop sign (at least, in the US
Comic sans stop sign at Chick-fil-A : r/mildlyinfuriating - Reddit
Jun 5, 2021 · 5.5M subscribers in the mildlyinfuriating community. jukmifgguggh fbrltbruh. Yeah. That’s not comic sans. It’s actually one of a few proprietary fonts in Chick-fil-A’s branding.
This lowercase stop sign I found : r/mildlyinteresting - Reddit
Jun 6, 2019 · Actually that's incorrect. A stop sign put on private property by a private property owner is not enforced a real stop sign. you can only be cited for running a stop sign if it's an official stop sign the city put up as a traffic enforcement device. Not whatever Bobby wanted in …