DNR: Reclamation: Coal Mine Information System - IN.gov
The Coal Mine Information System (CMIS) is a repository for historical coal mining information in Indiana. It was developed through a cooperative agreement between the Indiana Geological Survey and the Indiana Department of Natural Resources, Division of Reclamation.
INDOT: I-69 Audio Tour: Coal Mining
Traveling I-69 in southwestern Indiana, you pass through areas marked by immature trees or a total lack of vegetation, with man-made ponds and slag hills but few buildings. These austere segments of land demonstrate strip coal mining.
Surface Coal Mines 2016 - indianamap.org
This data provides access to an Esri polygon shapefile containing the most current information for surface coal mines in Indiana, as provided by personnel of the Indiana Department of Natural Resources, Division of Reclamation.
Strip mining takes essentially all coal from the area uncovered, but deep mining leaves about 50 percent of the coal in the mined area as roof support. Strip mining is the term commonly used in south western Indiana in describing the surface-mining method for coal.
This map shows the location and extent of surface coal mines in Sullivan County, Indiana, which includes updated surface mine locations. Updated surface mine maps are collected annually from the Indiana Department of Natural Resources, Division of Reclamation.
Old Ben Coal Company Mine No. 2, Petersburg, Indiana - OCLC
Aug 26, 2006 · This photograph illustrates strip mining at the Old Ben Coal Company Mine No. 2 in Petersburg, Indiana. This may be used for personal, educational, and not-for-profit purposes, such as study, research, classroom teaching, or review, without permission when cited using the Required Credit Line.
Coal stripping pits - Indiana
Two typed pages which contain information about the way strip mines were operated in Clay County Indiana. Further information on this record can be found at its source. This project is made possible by a grant from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services, administered by the Indiana State Library.
Aug 9, 2021 · But here we were on the storied strip mines of southern Indiana, or at least a 12,500-acre slice of Amax Coal Company`s profitable and ongoing Minnehaha mine. Indiana`s Department of Natural...
Jan 2, 2019 · AMAX Coal Company operates the Chinook Mine near Staunton, Indiana, formerly, Ayrshire and, previously owned by Peabody Coal Company. The landscape it created is one of the last legacies of...
Coal strip-mined land in Indiana (1972)
Almost 100,000 acres of land has been disturbed by strip mining in southwestern Indiana within the past 50 years. Pike, Warrick, and Clay Counties contain about two-thirds of the strip-mined land.