Logo sign - Wikipedia
Logo signs (also known as specific service signs or Logo service signs, or colloquially as Big Blue Signs) are blue road signs used on freeways that display the logos or trademarks of nearby …
American Highways 101: Visual Guide to U.S. Road Sign …
Apr 30, 2018 · From U.S. Routes and Interstates to state and county roads (each with different signage and numbering systems) highways in the United States can be daunting. But there is …
Road signs in the United States - Wikipedia
In the United States, road signs are, for the most part, standardized by federal regulations, most notably in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) and its companion volume …
Road Signs and Meanings (US Traffic Signs List) - DMV Practice Test
Road signs and pavement markings are placed on roadways and highways to regulate, warn and inform drivers. They tell road users about traffic rules and possible hazards, give information …
Iowa Road Signs - Iowa Department of Transportation
Logo signs are specific service signs located along interstates and freeway-primary highways that identify qualifying gas, food, lodging, camping or attraction services available at the next …
Logo Signs - Traffic Engineering - MnDOT - Minnesota …
Mainline logo signs are allowed on interstate and freeway highways within the State of Minnesota. Trailblazing signs are smaller signs located on freeway exit ramps and local roads to direct …
Standard Highway Signs (SHS) Publication - FHWA MUTCD - Transportation
Update on the 11th Edition MUTCD sign layouts. The new edition of the Standard Highway Signs (SHS) publication will contain the design details for all signs and pavement markings in the …
Lonestar Logos
LOGO Guide Signs (LOGOS) are the eye-catching blue Specific Service Signs located on major highways that alert motorists to services such as gas, food, lodging, camping, and 24-hour …
Highway Logo Signs - Mass.gov
MassDOT allows supplemental and logo signs on our highways, such as those for tourist attractions, businesses, and colleges. MassDOT is responsible for providing proper signing on …
Manual of Traffic Signs
The best reference for information on United States traffic and road signs for over two decades.