“The Monkey System or Every One for Himself at the Expense of …
This 1831 political cartoon ridicules Henry Clay’s position on the American System. Monkeys, labeled as different parts of the nation’s economy, are depicted stealing each other’s …
24d. The War Against the Bank - US History
Jackson's actions with regards to the Second Bank of the United States resulted in his censure by Congress for abuse of power. This cartoon depicts Henry Clay sewing Jackson's mouth shut.
American System (economic plan) - Wikipedia
Henry Clay's "American System," devised in the burst of nationalism that followed the War of 1812, remains one of the most historically significant examples of a government-sponsored …
1840s Political Cartoons. A woodland fantasy satirizing the prominent figures of the 1844 election campaign. The artist again favors Whig candidate Henry Clay, the "Kentucky Coon," who is …
Symptoms of a locked jaw. Plain sewing done here - Library of Congress
Summary: The caricature reflects the bitter antagonism between Kentucky senator Henry Clay and President Andrew Jackson, during the protracted battle over the future of the Bank of the …
Category : Caricatures of Henry Clay - Wikimedia
Political cartoon of Andrew Jackson having his jaw sewn shut by Henry Clay (may be commenting on Clay's successful Senate censure of Jackson).jpg 801 × 1,000; 161 KB
Symptoms of a Locked Jaw. Plain Sewing Done Here, lithograph by …
A cartoon depicts the intense animosity between Senator Henry Clay of Kentucky and President Andrew Jackson. Clay, a proponent of the second Bank of the United States, was outraged …
Symptoms of a Locked Jaw, by David Johnston, 1834 - U.S. Capitol ...
Behind this debate lay a fierce struggle for power between Congress and the President over which branch would take the lead in shaping national policy. In this cartoon, Henry Clay …
The Monkey System or "Every One for Himself at the Expense of …
The cages are labeled "Home," "Consumption," "Internal," and "Improvement." In front of the monkey cages, at far right, stands Henry Clay, a proponent of the economic plan, who calls …
Political cartoon depicting the election of 1844
A colored lithograph and pro-Whig political cartoon which depicts the nominees in the presidential election of 1844 in a footrace to the White House on Pennsylvania Avenue. The cartoon …