Fitzroy Reef Lagoon | Attractions - Queensland
The only naturally formed, all tidal entrance Lagoon on the Southern Great Barrier Reef, it boasts a diverse range of spectacular corals and bommies - perfect for snorkelling and scuba diving.
Fantastic Fitzroy Reef – a yacht more to life
Aug 5, 2019 · Fitzroy is the largest navigable lagoon in the Great Barrier reef, but anchoring is restricted to the east side of the lagoon, over sand and for small vessels the very south west …
Plenty of reef to share: you only need the southern tip
Fitzroy Reef has the largest, navigable lagoon on the entire Great Barrier Reef, covering an area of 12km². It features world class dive sites with coral gardens on the northern side and a drop …
1770 ‘a beginners guide’ – By Gyula Vari - Fish & Boat Magazine
Fitzroy Reef is also the second overnight anchorage, but it is a little trickier to get into the lagoon here. The entrance is very narrow and shallow, and it is advisable to navigate in here during …
Fitzroy reef lagoon - Ausfish
Sep 30, 2011 · This is the route into Fitzroy Lagoon, starting at 299. 309, 310 and 311 are our mooring points for overnight stays. No problems with the entrance provided you take care as …
"Fitzroy to Broomfield" - Peter Ford 2017 - Fish & Boat Magazine
Because of the distances you need to travel, most people opt for the overnight options to get the most out of their visit to the area. There are two main lagoons within the Bunker Group ,Lady …
Sailing Nandji - Fitzroy Reef, Lagoon living on the Great Barrier Reef
Dec 7, 2016 · Fitzroy Reef makes up part of the Southern Great Barrier Reef. The lagoon oasis is roughly 40 nautical miles from land, in the middle of the ocean. There is a skinny natural …
Fantastic Fitzroy Reef | Sv-Anui
Dec 17, 2015 · At low tide the brilliant colours of the reef and lagoon are dazzling: turquoise over sand, yellowish over the reef rim and coral platforms, and deep ultramarine on the outside; …
fitzroy reef – bossa nova
Nov 10, 2019 · Fitzroy Reef’s lagoon is one of our favourite anchorages. 360 degrees of shelter with many snorkeling opportunities at the lagoon’s inside surrounding reef as well as the …
Fitzroy Reef is the largest reef in the Bunker Group and is a 3650 ha drying, closed ring reef with a large, deep (6-10m) lagoon that can be entered through two narrow, natural channels. …
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