25 gauge dimpled metal studs??? - contractortalk.com
Aug 10, 2007 · It was a quick R&R for an existing wall that had 5 damaged pcs. of 4' x 8' x 5/8" I was installing vertically and I needed the extra studs to catch the edge for a couple of the new pcs for screwing. The self-tapping screws worked fine in the old studs (25 g) but I could not get 1 screw to hold in the new ones with the quick drive.
Nailing through steel studs | Contractor Talk - Professional ...
Apr 11, 2024 · Thought I’d try steel to fur and level this ceiling, most of it went in fine with screws but one joist is too close to the wall and nailer and it’s a real pia getting screws into it. I thought that 20 might be thin enough a framing gun would punch through and save some hassle.
welding studs | Contractor Talk - Professional Construction and ...
Nov 21, 2008 · Some jobes call for welded studs. 18 gage and lighter .Screws hold better thin welds. If metel is to light it just burns holes. I have framed job's whith screws thin go back threw and tak weld. I worked for Med West Dry wall years a go thay welded lots of heavy gage studs . Mostly steel clips to the stell angle on roof or betwen floors
Short walls with steel stud | Contractor Talk - Professional ...
Aug 27, 2012 · In the past i was on a job that we built 12' high x12' long freestanding walls out of 16 ga 3 5/8 metal studs. No L in the wall, just straight. The track was shot down like normal but then we added 2 brackets that were 3 1/2 angle iorn with a flange welded to the bottom. Used expansion bolts in concrete and screwd to studs in the wall..
Steel Stud Framing - tips for productivity | Contractor Talk ...
Jul 26, 2015 · With steel studs you don't have to be as precise as wood. Like above, always pull from bottom to get your cut. When we use light gauge (20) they are usually bundled in 10. I'll cut a whole bundle at a time on the chop saw. We use a stud shear often.
Condo's. hotels. When are steel stud's req'd? - Contractor Talk
Oct 31, 2008 · Use Steel studs, Their not load burying walls, and theres a certain fire code that stipulates that all new construction (even if existing walls are wood) must not add combustibles to flames. 20 Gauge studs and lots of insulation, in fact if its a demising wall; use insulation, sound board and type X 5/8 sheet rock, and lots of screws.
Baseboard to Metal Studs? - Contractor Talk
Jun 1, 2007 · Hit the base and the studs, let the caulk do the rest. Pretty p*ss poor but better than adhesive that can ruin a wall. You can't solve you're problems with the same level of thinking that created the problems.
Metal Studs in a Steel Building questions.... - Contractor Talk
Jul 18, 2021 · As far as 2.5" thick partition walls, I would think you need to use minimum of code, 3.5" thick walls. You could use the 3.5" track and double stack the smaller studs, one facing one side and the double facing the other side. Screw and fasten the double studs together. This should provide more than minimum metal stud framing, but stronger.
knock down jambs/steel studs - Contractor Talk
Jul 17, 2012 · I've got a job coming up that involves building a 16 foot section of wall out of metal studs, drywalling it, and installing a 1 3/4" inch thick solid core wood door with steel knock down jambs. The owners already have the door. The wall is going in an existing alcove, and will be fastened to the concrete floor, CMU pillars, and a drywall ceiling.
how do you estimate steel stud framing? | Contractor Talk ...
Feb 10, 2009 · I always took the square footage of the building times the number of 25 ga. studs versus the number of 18 ga. stud and put that in my pocket. Then I divided the total of my childrens ages by the number of days that end with a Y and multiplied it by the speed of light , It comes pretty close either way!!!