Death kiss - Forgotten Realms Wiki | Fandom
Death kisses, also known as bleeders or eyes of terror, were lesser beholderkin with tentacles that ended in mouths instead of eyestalks. Death kisses came to being as physical …
Death Kiss - 5etools
A death kiss lacks the combat finesse and intelligence of a beholder. It might attempt an unusual maneuver to control its prey (such as flying up while grappling), but in most cases, it attaches …
Beholders - Volo's Guide to Monsters - Cyclopedia - D&D Beyond
The Monsters Listing introduces several new types of beholder-kin. A death kiss is usually the result of a nightmare about blood, such as what a beholder might experience after an …
Beholderkin, Death Kiss (CR 11) - Realms Helps
Beholderkin, Death Kiss (CR 11) Large Aberration Alignment: Usually neutral Evil Initiative: +2 (Dex); Senses: darkvision 60 ft., Listen +9, and Spot +9
death kiss - Search - D&D Beyond
Death Kiss A death kiss is a lesser beholder that can come into being when a true beholder has a vivid nightmare about losing blood. Its coloration and shape resemble those of the beholder …
Realms Helps Creature: Beholderkin, Death Kiss
Death kisses are beholder mutants that kill with ten blood-draining tentacles instead of eye-rays. Death kisses are around 10 feet wide with leathery, mottled gray skin. Their single central eye …
Beholders, Eye Tyrants, Death Tyrants & More | Info & Stats D&D …
Nov 20, 2021 · A death kiss is a lesser beholder born of a beholder’s nightmares, often about blood or following an encounter with a vampire. They have 10 tentacles with mouths of sharp …
Death Kiss (5e) - Dungeons and Dragons Wiki
3 days ago · Unofficial Description: 10 tentacled, bloodsucking minor beholder. Sources and Notes
Death Kiss | Monster Guide for D&D 5th Edition - DNDWiki
Jan 23, 2023 · A death kiss is a lesser beholder that can come into being when a true beholder has a vivid nightmare about losing blood. Its coloration and shape resemble those of the …
Death Kiss | RPG - Fandom
Also called "bleeders" or "eyes of terror, death kiss beholderkin are beholder mutants that feed on the blood of other creatures. A death kiss is about 10 feet wide with mottled gray skin.