Hume on Religion - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Oct 4, 2005 · David Hume’s various writings concerning problems of religion are among the most important and influential contributions on this topic. In these writings Hume advances a …
Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion - Wikipedia
Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion is a philosophical work by the Scottish philosopher David Hume, first published in 1779. Through dialogue, three philosophers named Demea, Philo, …
What impact did David Hume have on the Christian faith?
Jan 4, 2022 · Hume is most famous for his rejection of miracles and his rejection of the argument from design for God’s existence. This rejection was revolutionary for its time, but it is common …
Hume's conclusions on the existence and nature of God
Hume challenges some of the arguments for the existence of God, but repeatedly in his writings, he affirms God's existence and speculates about God's nature.
Hume’s objections to the Teleological Argument for God
Jun 26, 2019 · Hume remains the key critique of the design argument or teleological argument for God. His critique of the design argument can be summarised in the following points… a) The …
David Hume - Wikipedia
David Hume (/ hjuːm /; born David Home; 7 May 1711 – 25 August 1776) was a Scottish philosopher, historian, economist, and essayist who was best known for his highly influential …
David Hume: Religion - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
David Hume (1711-1776) was called “Saint David” and “The Good David” by his friends, but his adversaries knew him as “The Great Infidel.” His contributions to religion have had a lasting …
Reflections on Hume on Religion - Adam Smith Works
Aug 10, 2023 · This essay explores David Hume’s thinking about religion and God. I will begin by briefly reviewing the argument of Hume’s Natural History of Religion and what the argument …
David Hume Quotes About God | A-Z Quotes
When I think of God, when I think of him as existent, and when I believe him to be existent, my idea of him neither increases nordiminishes.
David Hume: 3.4 Proving God's existence - OpenLearn
In the following passage from a book introducing Newton's empirical discoveries to the French world (Elements de la philosophie de Newton, 1738), he suggests that Newton's law of …