Active 20-30 Club - Wikipedia
Active 20-30 International is an international service club focused on helping children and developing leadership skills in younger adults ages 20–39. In the United States and Canada, the organization is called the Active 20-30 Club and has over 28 local chapters.
Active 20-30 United States and Canada - Home
Active 20-30 U.S. & Canada is a National service organization dedicated to improving the lives of children in our communities. Open to individuals ages 20-39 Active 20-30 clubs bring together emerging leaders who are passionate about making a …
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Active 20-30 Toolkit
• Use club logos alongside the trademarked logo. • Refer to Active 20-30’s brand guideline when developing flyers or graphics for your Active 20-30 club.
Sacramento Active 20-30 - Sacramento Active 20/30 #1
Feb 7, 2025 · Active 20-30 club is a group of like-minded men, ages 20-39, dedicated to improving the lives of underprivileged youth in Sacramento. Through our volunteer efforts, we not only make a meaningful impact on our community, but we also form lasting friendships.
Phoenix Active 20-30 Children's Foundation
Welcome to the official website of the Active 20-30 Club of Phoenix, the oldest philanthropic organization in the valley dedicated to serving underprivileged children. Our organization is made up of professional young men throughout the Phoenix metropolitan area who are leaders in their perspective industry.
Objetivos y Emblemas – Activo 20-30 San José
Los colores del emblema enfatizan las características que distinguen a la juventud. Blanco: La limpieza del espíritu que debe tener toda persona. Azul: la esperanza depositada en la juventud de que podrán realizar cualquier tarea y forjar así un futuro mejor.
20/30 Club of Topeka - Home
The 20/30 Club of Topeka is a private social networking club with a mission to help local children's charities. Since 1956, we've donated over $2.5 Million dollars to local charities. If you'd like to help us as a donor, member or charity, contact us today!
Emblemas - Club Activo 20-30 Panamá Noreste
El emblema de Activo 20-30 Internacional está conformado por una sierra circular, la cual da idea de movimiento, de actividad constante. Cada diente representa a un socio y para trabajar bien, la sierra necesita de todos y cada uno de sus dientes.
Activo 20-30 | Activo 2030
En Colombia hay 5 clubes actualmente: Armenia, Barrancabermeja, Bogotá, Manizales y Pereira. El emblema es una sierra circular circunscribiendo un reloj de arena que ostenta la leyenda ACTIVO 20-30 INTERNACIONAL.
logo del club - Club Activo 20-30 Panamá Pacífico
Simbolizan la ayuda, responsabilidad y representa el mar que rodea la comunidad de Veracruz y las islas en nuestro radio de acción. Representa el icono de la unión de las Americas , que a su vez es la entrada a nuestra área de acción.