Civil War Flags: A Guide to the Many, Many Union and ... - HistoryNet
Civil War flags were a carnival of sizes, shapes, designs and colors. The primary Union Civil War flags were the Unites States flag, known as the Stars and Stripes, and the regimental colors.
Historical Civil War Flags - Gettysburg Flag
A Brief History of Civil War Flags. In 1860 and 1861, following the election of Abraham Lincoln as President, eleven southern states seceded from the United States to protect the institution of …
Flags of the Confederate States of America - Wikipedia
The flags of the Confederate States of America have a history of three successive designs during the American Civil War. The flags were known as the "Stars and Bars", used from 1861 to …
Civil War Flags
Civil War battle flags are some of the most interesting flags of the entire war. Each flag tells the story of its unit. Take for example this Civil War flag picture. If you look closely, you can see in …
The United States of America went through four different flags during the Civil War: The 33-star flag, the 34-star flag, the 35-star flag, and the 36-star flag. The original flag used during the …
Civil War 150 Flags - Smithsonian Institution
Designating flags were used to organize army units, whereas other flags directly represented the two warring factions. This section displays objects that were used as flags during the Civil …
Authentic Civil War Flags: Relics of a Country Divided
Jan 5, 2022 · Authentic civil war flags remind us of a difficult time in American history. Learn more about the flags that were created in this era and what they symbolized.
Flags of the Civil War - U.S. National Park Service
The thirty-three stars represented the number of states in the Union, prior to the Civil War. This flag was flown at Fort Sumter, where the Civil War began. This flag represented the time …
National Treasures - Union Civil War Flags 1861 to 1865
ZFC0616 Â U.S. 35 star flag with 7-7-7-7-7 rectilinear star pattern, from Erie Rail Road Depot, Jersey City, N.J. 1863 to 1865; half-staffed for the funeral of President Abraham Lincoln. …
CWRT Website - Civil War Flags
The national flags and battle flags and regimental colors of the Civil War were the emblems of the times and the strife of that great war. Today, they are those very same emblems. Nothing more.
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