What are the brown spots infront of the ears? | TheCatSite
Jun 3, 2005 · Maya has developed some brown spots on her skin infront of her ears, you can see the spots because her hair is thinner there.(i don't remember if it was always thinner there than …
Dirty ears that is NOT ear mites! | TheCatSite
Jul 20, 2014 · Hi, My nine months old kitten, Liberia, has really dirty ears. It looks like dark brown ear wax and it's quite a lot of it. Big globs in one of the ears. She's had this problem for months …
Strange brown crusty stuff on outside of ear | TheCatSite
Nov 6, 2013 · My cat had crusty stuff on her ears. We used Revolution as her heart worm med because it controls ear mites also. No help, but I still use the Revolution anyway. We tried …
Concerned About Brown Gunk in Ears | TheCatSite
Dec 11, 2015 · Cats have normal ear wax in their ears sometimes. It's usually brown-ish incolor and sticky. You can gently swab a tissue into the ear to remove the visible gunk. There are ear …
Tip Of Cat's Ears Turning Black | TheCatSite
Aug 2, 2008 · The color orange in cats is the result of a genetic mutation on the X chromosome from black/brown to orange. As orange cats age, the genetic mutation will sometimes mutate …
Dark freckles on cats' ears | TheCatSite
Mar 9, 2020 · Hello! My 8 year old female cat has these brown freckle like spots on both of her ears (only visible when the sun shines through her earlobes). The biggest one is not bigger …
Brown spots on kitten's ear | TheCatSite
Mar 28, 2021 · Hello! My 4 month old kitten got these brown spots on her ear and at first they were sparse and lighter but now they are all gathered towards the top of the ear. The vet said …
Itchy Ears, Brown earwax, NO MITES! Help! | TheCatSite
Oct 1, 2020 · How to Clean a Cat's Ears Cleaning your cat's ears is an easy task that takes about 10 minutes. Be sure to assemble the supplies and perform the cleaning in a space that's …
Bugs on my cat's ears | TheCatSite
Apr 3, 2012 · Diatomaceous earth kills insects and other parasites by scratching and damaging the protective cuticle that covers their body. This damage causes the creature to dehydrate …
Burmese Cats: Understanding This People-Oriented, Muscular Cat …
Nov 1, 2011 · The standards for Burmese cats differ mainly in body and head shape. The British standard leans towards a more slender cat with a wedge-shaped head, large pointed ears, a …