Saturn - Wikipedia
Saturn is the most distant of the five planets easily visible to the naked eye from Earth, the other four being Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Jupiter. (Uranus, and occasionally 4 Vesta, are visible to the naked eye in dark skies.) Saturn appears to the naked eye in the night sky as a bright, yellowish point of light.
Saturn as the 'Sun of Night' in Ancient Near Eastern Tradition
[This article tackles two issues in the "proto-astronomical" conception of the planet Saturn, first attested in Mesopotamia and followed by the Greeks and Hindus: the long-standing problem of...
Saturn | Facts, Size, Temperature, Atmosphere, Color, Rings,
4 days ago · Saturn, ringed planet that is the second largest planet in the solar system in mass and size and the sixth nearest planet in distance to the Sun. When viewed through even a small telescope, the planet encircled by its magnificent rings …
Saturn - Science@NASA
5 days ago · Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun and the second largest planet in our solar system. Saturn is a massive ball made mostly of hydrogen and helium. It's surrounded by a beautiful ring system. It's the farthest planet from Earth discovered by the unaided human eye.
Saturn Facts - Science@NASA
Nov 5, 2024 · The farthest planet from Earth discovered by the unaided human eye, Saturn has been known since ancient times. The planet is named for the Roman god of agriculture and wealth, who was also the father of Jupiter. Saturn's environment is …
Saturn in natural colours - ESA/Hubble
The little dark spot on Saturn is the shadow from Saturn's moon Enceladus. The NASA / ESA Hubble Space Telescope has provided images of Saturn in many colors, from black-and-white, to orange, to blue, green, and red.
Saturn Facts - Interesting Facts about Planet Saturn - Space Facts
Saturn is the most distant planet that can be seen with the naked eye. It is the fifth brightest object in the solar system and is also easily studied through binoculars or a small telescope. Saturn was known to the ancients, including the Babylonians and Far Eastern observers.
In Depth | Saturn – NASA Solar System Exploration
Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun and the second-largest planet in our solar system. Like fellow gas giant Jupiter, Saturn is a massive ball made mostly of hydrogen and helium. Saturn is not the only planet to have rings, but none are as spectacular or as complex as Saturn's.
What Are These Mysterious Dark ‘Spokes’ on Saturn’s Rings?
Jan 2, 2024 · A new photo of Saturn from NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope captures mysterious dark blotches that appear on the planet’s rings. Called “ring spokes,” the spots circle Saturn along with its ...
Saturn in Natural Colors - HubbleSite
Oct 21, 1998 · NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has provided images of Saturn in many colors, from black-and-white, to orange, to blue, green, and red. But in this picture, image processing specialists have worked to provide a crisp, extremely accurate view of Saturn, which highlights the planet's pastel colors.