Assassin builds that function : r/Battletechgame - Reddit
Sep 12, 2020 · Assassin is one of the S+ tier mechs in the game, along with the Marauder, Stalker (LMD version), and Lostech mechs. If you know how to abuse evasion, the Assassin carries hard, unless you fight clanners, since they have a lot of weapons that counter evasion pips. Even then, I don't think the Assassin is useless.
Building the Assassin :: BATTLETECH General Discussions - Steam …
Dec 16, 2019 · First Career playthrough since Heavy Metal. Picked up an Assassin in the loot crate. It's been said that this thing is dangerous with a Coil but I've yet to find one. So what is the team's recommendation for Assassin loadout? Seems a single Snub PPC++ would be ideal for optimal weight/heat/dmg (an improved version of a Panther). Otherwise a MLas/ErMLas and x4 SRM2s maybe... Anyone fielded this ...
Why Is the Assassin ASN-21 So Bad? : r/Battletechgame - Reddit
Jan 21, 2022 · One of the things I like about battletech is that not every mech is designed for the high payout mercenary life most battletech games/scenarios place players into. Sure, there are uses for an Assassin, but at the end of the day its more a monument to failings in the late SLDF, as you mentioned.
Author Topic: MOTW Assassin (Read 49515 times) - BattleTech
Aug 27, 2012 · The Assassin was named for the power socket that someone on the design team someone decided to test with a fork. Per the fluff of 3025, Maltex, had pitched the design as a replacement for the Wasp and Stinger (Reasonable goals that) It managed to accomplish this through many classic military sales pitches throughout history.
How to Assassin : r/Battletechgame - Reddit
Dec 26, 2019 · As the others have said, the COIL-M is the Assassin's only saving grace. It has awful free tonnage and it's hardpoints don't really allow you to do anything else. It's an effective bug stomper in the early game. Ignoring 3 Evasion and delivering a mighty 100+ point whack to a Light Mech is nice. But once you stop fighting mostly Lights, bench it.
This Assassin set up slaps pretty hard. :: BATTLETECH General …
May 16, 2023 · It is the best weapon for an Assassin and the Assassin is the best mech for a Coil-L. I guess what Danko meant to say is "Heat is always half the damage you deal". And to clarify on "damage depends on distance you walk", the Coil-L does 35 damage per evasion pip your mech got at time of firing.
ASN-21A Assassin - BattleTech
Interesting. I went the opposite route with my Assassin, ending up with an SRM6 and two Medium Lasers. The long range combined with mobility makes the Assassin harder to destroy. The short range weapons make it an "assassin" but easily taken down. Good job!
Assassin ASN-99 "Green Destiny" (3068) - BattleTech
Mar 29, 2015 · Twenty million was a lot of C-bills. Especially for one ’Mech. But as Lien-zhang An Bai looked at Xun-Ling-Yun, his customized ASN-99 Assassin, he knew it was worth every last bit of it. Officially, it didn’t exist, just like Warrior House White Tiger. Just like himself. He was a ghost, a wraith, a phantom, just like this ’Mech.
Question about 20-875 Assassin - BattleTech
Question about 20-875 Assassin « on: 04 August 2011, 03:38:58 » I recently ordered an Assassin Mech directly from IWM and much to my surprise it turned out to be the ASN-101 variant with the additional small lasers on the head and legs.
Playing with Experimental Tech: Assassin - BattleTech
Archetype (the name given to the unit) was a stock ASN-21 Assassin until its last encounter. Caught in an ambush, Archetype was mangled for the first time, at the hands of warriors within the 12th Ghost Regiment of the Draconis Combine. Surprisingly enough, it still survived through weapons fire that most Assault Mechs would have succumbed to.