Sphere-o-bot: a Friendly Art Robot - Instructables
The Sphere-O-bot is a friendly art robot that can draw on spherical or egg-shaped objects from the size of a ping pong ball to a large duck egg (4-9 cm). The robot is based on the cool original design of Evil Mad Scientist
Sisyphus Kinetic Art Table - Sisyphus Industries
Below a fine layer of sand, is a Wi-Fi controlled robot aptly named Sisbot. Hand built in the USA, these quiet and precise motors effortlessly bring mesmerizing kinetic art into your space. Built to last, these motors are rigorously tested in our MN, USA shop to …
Essential - Sisyphus Industries
KINETIC ART FOR ANY SPACE. At the heart of Sisyphus is a Wifi-connected two-motor robot which magnetically pulls a steel ball through a field of sand. This is what creates Sisyphus’ beautiful, intricate, and endlessly changing patterns. …
The Original EggBot: Deluxe Edition - Evil Mad Scientist
The EggBot is a friendly art robot that can draw on spherical or egg-shaped objects from the size of a ping pong ball to that of a small grapefruit-- roughly 1.25 to 4.25 inches in diameter (3 - 10 cm). The kit is based on the original design by Bruce Shapiro, dating back to 1990.
The Original EggBot | Simple, fun, & open source CNC art robot
The EggBot is a compact, easy to use open-source art robot that can draw on spherical or egg-shaped objects. Super adjustable; designed to draw on all kinds of things that are normally “impossible” to print on. Not just eggs but golf balls, light bulbs, mini pumpkins, and even things like wine glasses — with a bit of work.
EggBot Deluxe Art Robot – Elektor
The EggBot is a friendly art robot that can draw on spherical or egg-shaped objects from the size of a ping pong ball to that of a small Grapefruit – roughly 1.25 to 4.25 inches in diameter (3-10 cm).
The Original EggBot: Ready to use - Evil Mad Scientist
The EggBot is an open-source art robot that can draw on spherical or egg-shaped objects from the size of a ping pong ball to that of a small grapefruit-- roughly 1.25 to 4.25 inches in diameter (3 - 10 cm).
Ball Balancing Robot : 21 Steps (with Pictures) - Instructables
Ball Balancing Robot: In this instructable, I'll show you step-by-step how I created a ball-balancing robot. More formally known as a Stewart platform, this robot has 6DOF robot is omni-rotational and omni-translational.
Sphere-o-bot: DIY Arduino Art Robot Decorates Eggs
Mar 10, 2017 · Here is another robot that can decorate balls, eggs, and other spherical objects. The Sphere-o-bot is inspired by EggBot from Evil Mad Scientist. This 2-axis drawing machine is adjustable and has 3D printed components. You are going to need a SG90 servo, Arduino Leonardo board, JJRobots brain shield, 2 stepper motor drivers, and a few other parts.
ArtStation - Cute Ball-Shaped Robot
The design is slightly inspired by the Oblivion battle robots, as is the extra detail on the surface. The bot was modeled in Blender and used the shrinkwrap method to keep all the shading correct. My first attempt at making a cute robot design.
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