'Agnes' rose Description - helpmefind.com
Light yellow Hybrid Rugosa. Bred by Dr. William Saunders (Canada, circa 1900). Introduced by Agriculture Canada Ottawa in 1922 as 'Agnes'. Hybrid Rugosa, Shrub. Light yellow, amber …
'Agnès Schilliger ®' Rose
Medium to large, very full (41+ petals), cluster-flowered, quartered, semi-globular bloom form. Prolific, blooms in flushes throughout the season. Medium buds. Medium, compact, well …
'Agnès' rose Description - server.helpmefind.com
Description, photos, references, ratings, reviews, gardens growing and nurseries selling the \'Agnès\' Rose.
'Agnes' rose Nurseries - m.helpmefind.com
Rose (retail, wholesale and mail order) Nursery. 1904 plants listed. 1485 photos. Offers a discount to HMF premium-membership members. 48 favorite votes. Average rating: EXCELLENT.
'Agnes' rose lineage
\'Agnes\' rose parentage tree and parentage and descendant lists by name and generation.
Agnes - General Discussion - Rose Hybridizers Association
Jan 2, 2016 · According HMF Agnes has an excellent disease rating but it’s difficult know how much to trust those ratings. It sounds like not only is Agnes a disease magnet but it’s virtually sterile.
'Agnes' rose Nurseries
Retail and mail order rose nursery. 290 plants listed. 2 photos. 33 favorite votes. Average rating: EXCELLENT.
'Agnes Barclay' rose Description - helpmefind.com
Introduced in Australia by Hazlewood Bros. Pty. Ltd. in 1927 as 'Agnes Barclay'. Hybrid Tea. Yellow blend, yellow with reddish-salmon to soft salmon pink tints. Strong, tea fragrance. Semi …
'Agnes' rose reviews and comments - helpmefind.com
\'Agnes\' rose member reviews, comments and Q & A. Learn from other member\'s experience and insight with this plant as well as share your own with the HelpMeFind garden community.
My Quest for the Rugosa - Hedgerow Rose
Mar 29, 2018 · Rugosa Roses in My Garden: ‘Agnes’ via High Country Roses. A yellow rugosa! Bred by Dr Saunders around 1900. Agnes is supposed to repeat a little bit later in the season.
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