The outbreak of the devastating tomato virus does not pose a food safety risk to shoppers.
Red Rock has maintained a similar clearance from 2023 while increasing its averages on both Dorpers and White Dorpers.
It was a tale of two sales at Castle Camps, Keith, on Friday with a full clearance of White Suffolks rams contrasting with ...
Gypsum Hill's 38 th annual on-property ram sale average lifted more than $200 on last year as buyers went head to head for ...
A South Australia-based wool broking company has emerged as the surprise buyer of a large winery near Mildura in northern ...
Private credit is a market that has come to prominence since the global financial crisis, with reports of it being worth ...
Agriculture competition head honcho Mick Keogh has weighed in on two big ticket items on the minds of beef producers at the ...
Cereal cover crops have proved their worth during the past five years, as eastern Darling Downs cotton grower Grant Porter ...
In defending current government drought policy, positions on contentious areas such as the lack of drought declarations or ...
It has been a massive week for property listings, with plenty of action in the South Australian rural market.
Ulandi Park increased the numbers of rams sold and its top price on 2023 at its 27 th on-property ram sale at Marrabel.
This weekend, I'll be heading along to the acclaimed Kick Off Ya Boots show at Loxton, by Little Town Productions.