Enjoy a playful evening of 2D and 3D mark-making in this primary teachers’ continuing professional development workshop. Taking inspiration from our exhibition In the Eye of the Storm: Modernism in ...
From avant-garde theatre design to cubist folk art, explore the UK's most comprehensive show of modern Ukrainian art.
Michael Craig-Martin RA speaks to Ravi Ghosh about why objects became his obsession, ahead of his colourful retrospective in our Main Galleries. From the Autumn 2024 issue of RA Magazine, issued ...
Find out why horses were a favourite subject of this pioneering modernist.
Explore art works, paint-smeared palettes, scribbled letters and more... Artists and architects have run the RA for 250 years. Our Collection is a record of them.
Ide'e Pittoresche Sopra La Fugga in Egitto di Giesu, Maria e Gioseppe Opera inventata, ed incisa da me Gio: Domenico Tiepolo in Corte di detta Sua Altessa Reverendissima &c &c. - [Würzburg?:: Anno ...
The first plate of William Hogarth's series of twelve prints Industry and Idleness, which the artist 'calculated for the use & Instruction of youth'. The set tells how the contrasting behaviours of ...
Leitch Ritchie (1800–1865) was a Scottish novelist and journalist. He was born at Greenock and worked as a clerk in Glasgow, but about 1820 adopted literature as his profession. Wanderings by the ...
English writer, printmaker, Clergyman and Schoolmaster, best known as one of the originators of the idea of the picturesque. Based in Surrey (1753-77) and Hampshire (1777- 1804). Brother of ...
A.H. Layard, The Monuments Of Nineveh, 2nd series, London 1853, pl.1 The Monuments Of Nineveh. From Drawings Made On The Spot By Austen Henry Layard, Esq., D.C.L ...
Views Of The Seats Of Noblemen And Gentlemen, In England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland. By J. P. Neale. Second Series. Vol. I (-V). - London: 1824 (-1829) ...