When lockdown hit us we all turned to Zoom or one of its online rivals to maintain our working and social lives. Local Councils worked out ways of carrying out essential business online, and that ...
The Electoral Commission report on Voter ID in the General Election found that 16,000 would-be voters were turned away by ...
One of the unalloyed pleasures of the 2024 Election Campaign was speaking to friends about policies, which, it seemed to me, represented the very best of us as a Party. We called for a fair ...
The freedom to hope and dream is a precious thing. It is something which I treasure. The ability to wonder and aspire is something that us young people are constantly reminded to do. But I find it ...
We knew that there would be a reshuffle of Lib Dem MPs after Conference, but maybe not this quickly. This afternoon, Ed Davey announced his new top team. Deputy Leader Daisy Cooper takes over as ...
You’ve got to feel sorry for poor Max Wilkinson, our MP for Cheltenham. He confessed at the rally to having no love for Abba, and he had to sit through Dancing Queen as Ed came on. We’ll put the ...
Now that Conference is over, we can start catching up with the maiden speeches our MPs made last week. Here is Wokingham MP Clive Jones speaking in the Budget Responsibility debate. The text is below ...
The Scottish Liberal Democrats have been running a Future Leaders programme for the past few years. 10-12 Scottish party activists are given an intensive programme over the course of 9 months or so.
Here is Welsh Lib Dem Leader Jane Dodds’ speech to Lib Dem Conference. To have your photo next to your comment please signup your email address with Gravatar. Your email is never published. Required ...
BBC Politics has a clip of that incredibly moving part of Daisy Cooper’s speech in which she describes the moment she was told she needed major surgery or she had four days to live. And then ...
Post-General Election, there has been a slew of articles, in Lib Dem publications, about our strategic direction. Three interlinked commonplaces come up time and again. All, in my view, are wrong.