12月26日,《环球时报》刊发社论文章《现在就是中日关系改善发展的好时机》,提出“脱钩断链”不符合中日关系的现实,任何打算在中日之间推动它的企图也都不可能实现。 你没看错,就是那个曾经在胡锡进带领下变成俄国传声筒,活跃在煽动反美反日最前沿的《环球时报 ...
巴西劳动与就业部称,他们营救出了160多名遭受奴役的建筑工人。 他们共搜查了5间工人宿舍,其中4间存在问题。 这个工地属于国内汽车厂家BYD,施工方是锦江集团。 根据巴西公布的照片,宿舍条件恶劣,平均30人才有一间厕所,还没有区分男女,吃住都是在宿舍 ...
是的,你没看错,反美反日挺俄援伊大报《球报》,竟然举办了一场以「中美友好合作故事」为主题的征文。能让球报如此低眉俯首,自然是是因为大领导的意思变了。而大领导,则是因应百年未有之大变局,制订了千年之计。目前看来,为了展示中外友好,圣诞还是要过的 ...
Code for June 4, 1989, the date of the crackdown on pro-democracy protests around Tiananmen Square. (The military operation began late on the night of June 3.) Ordinarily the event is referred to ...
A self-deprecating description of individual investors who re-invest in the stock market after initial losses; also used to address youth disillusionment and endemic government corruption.
Teng Biao, born on August 2, 1973 in Jilin Province, is a human rights lawyer, activist, and former professor who is dedicated to exposing China’s human rights abuses and fighting against its ...
Virtual idol created by the Communist Youth League. The anime-style idols Jiang Shanjiao (江山娇, "Lovable Country") and her "younger brother" Hong Qiman (红旗漫 "Fluttering Red Flag ...
Murong Xuecun is the pen name of writer and anti-censorship activist Hao Qun (郝群). Originally an internet novelist, he has become one of the most prominent China-based critics of Beijing's ...
Ai Xiaoming is a documentary filmmaker, author, and women's rights activist. Ai has frequently collaborated with documentary filmmaker Hu Jie. She is professor emerita of literature and women's ...
Vague descriptor that is often used as code for towing the Party line. “Positive energy” was meme-ified in China during the 2010 trial of Song Shanmu, the founder of a well-known vocational ...