The Roosevelt Sharks, the nation's longest-running synchronized swimming club, is celebrating 99 years of aquatic artistry.
In a world full of distractions, mastering cognitive skills is more important than ever. Find out how empathy, mindfulness, ...
Parents really have to teach kids their way around a kitchen before they leave for college. Without basic cooking knowledge, ...
Climbing the career ladder can involve significant challenges. Here's how to scale those obstacles and lead people ...
Generative AI (GenAI) is a cutting-edge technology within the artificial intelligence landscape that creates new content, such as text and images, based on user inputs and extensive data sets.
"The biggest challenges that we have in the workplace, even at NASA, are interacting with people," said retired NASA engineer John Ruffa.
Did you know over 90% of new programmers start with Java? It’s because Java is easy to learn and very useful. This makes Java ...
Three types of leadership skills sets necessary for leaders to navigate the complexities of people and situations ...
Less than half, 48%, of managers say they strongly agree that they currently have the skills needed to be exceptional at their job.
Since the Great Resignation, employees are today more detached based on Gallup research. These are four actions for leaders ...
This task manager features to-do lists, time tracking, insights, timesheets, work summaries, integration with services such as Jira, Gitlb, GitHub, Open Project and more; CalDAV integration ...