With the help of mannequins named Helga and Zohar and sensors placed inside a spacecraft, scientists have collected valuable ...
In our increasingly interconnected world, electromagnetic fields (EMFs) surround us constantly, emanating from various ...
Radiation is all around us.The radiation you'd receive by taking a 5.5-hour flight from New York to Los Angeles is nearly 100 times less compared to the levels you would experience in some of the ...
RECA aims to expand and extend compensation for thousands of people, known as "downwinders" exposed to radiation via blowing ...
Josh Hawley and members of Congress from Missouri — along with southwestern states affected by nuclear weapons testing — have ...
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – Dozens of New Mexicans have been fighting for years to get medical compensation for radioactive exposure.
Radiation exposure from nuclear weapons tests is a reality for a number of Arizonans, especially on tribal lands. Now there ...
Navajo Nation tribal leaders are the latest to call on Congress to reinstate the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act. Navajo ...
There are now more “RECA warriors” than ever, said Loretta Anderson of Laguna Pueblo, and they’re not going away.
Along with advocates, Navajo Nation President Buu Nygren, Speaker of the Navajo Nation Council Crystalyne Curley, and the ...
About 30 people are driving nearly 30 hours from New Mexico to Washington D.C. to protest in the hopes of getting RECA put ...
The federal compensation program for radiation exposure victims expired in June despite the Senate passing legislation ...