Explore the innovative 3D-printed robot that walks and climbs without electronics, thanks to pneumatic pressure and advanced ...
This a robot can walk, without electronics, and only with the addition of a cartridge of compressed gas, right off the 3D-printer. It can also be printed in one go, from one material.
DIAL-MPC is a novel sampling-based MPC framework for legged robot full-order torque-level control with both precision and agility in a training-free manner.
Boston Dynamics has been building legged robots for decades, based on Raibert’s pioneering insights on how animals balance dynamically using the kind of low-level control provided by their ...
In addition to the robots designed for work and productivity, some companies are developing humanoids with a marked attention to social interaction. An example is Aira robot produced by Realbotix and ...
The researchers detailed their findings in the journal Nature Machine Intelligence. "Like humans learning to dance by watching their mirror reflection, robots now use raw video to build kinematic self ...
They have both the right orientation and the right slope to support the idea that there was an ocean for a long period of time to accumulate the sand-like beach.' The findings were published in ...
Many of them can now move faster, emulating various human-like movements. As these robots are designed to walk or run similarly to humans, thus balancing on two legs, they can sometimes collide with ...