A new disease is plaguing cornfields across the Midwest. Phyllachora maydis is the fungus that causes a corn disease called ...
MORE than 5,000 Brits have missed out on lifesaving cancer checks thanks to an NHS mishap. Health chiefs have since rushed out letters to every person affected, apologising for the failure, which ...
Abstract: An early detection of tomato leaf diseases is crucial for ensuring high-quality and abundant crop production. There is a growing need for an Android application that can identify these ...
Abstract: Bean rust and angular leaf spot pose significant challenges to bean cultivation, impacting yields. Prompt disease identification maximizes productivity, but traditional methods need ...
Bacterium malvacearum, the causative agent of ‘black-arm’, or angular leaf-spot disease of the cotton plant, has been described in certain recent papers as capable of producing a systemic ...
Discussions between almost 150 scientists and stakeholders reveal that FVs are protective against type 2 diabetes (T2D), cardiovascular disease (CVDs ... global adoption leaves scope for improvement.
Brown rot represents the most consistent, and impactful, fungal disease of stone fruit, Peter said. It thrives in hot, wet conditions, and growers face limited management options. She recommended ...
US National Library of Medicine), the moringa leaves have medicinal value in treating rheumatoid arthritis, infertility, anaemia, depression, protecting from heart diseases, providing pain relief ...
meningitis and hemorrhagic illnesses — although all specimens have been negative for Ebola and other common hemorrhagic fever diseases so far. “Urgent action is needed to accelerate laboratory ...
heart disease, and skin lesions. Some animal studies in fish and mice have shown that the leaves of Moringa oleifera may protect against some of the effects of arsenic toxicity. These results are ...