Goa police Sunday arrested the owner of Hike ‘n’ Fly, after a woman tourist from Maharashtra and a paraglider operator from Nepal died while paragliding at Keri plateau on Saturday evening.
Two paragliders died in a crash at Keri plateau in North Goa, and the Goa tourism department ... police reported on Saturday. The death occurred in two separate incidents in the state.
A tourist and a paragliding instructor were killed after falling into a ravine in the coastal India state of Goa, police said on Sunday. The incident took place at around 4.30pm on Saturday.
He lost his life in a para-gliding accident in Kulu, Himachal Pradesh last Friday," Sridhar Vembu posted on X. Not just Jeyesh, but more than five people died in paragliding accidents in Goa and ...
A tourist and a paragliding instructor were killed after falling into a ravine in the coastal India state of Goa, police said on Sunday. Shivani Dable, 27, from Pune, Maharashtra, and Sumal Nepali, 26 ...
Two deaths were reported in Himachal Pradesh, a popular destination for the adventure sport, and the third accident occurred in Goa last week ... have declined para-gliding in Kulu as too accident ...
He lost his life in a para-gliding accident in Kulu, Himachal Pradesh last Friday," Sridhar Vembu posted on X. Not just Jeyesh, but more than five people died in paragliding accidents in Goa and ...
Panaji: The Goa tourism department on Sunday clarified that it had not granted permission for paragliding at Keri plateau, a day after two persons were killed while engaging in the adventure sport.