In a seemingly reverse Titanic reenactment, the world’s largest iceberg is heading straight for a remote British territory—one teeming with sensitive wildlife.
The state of Georgia is seeking another Supreme Court showdown over the Voting Rights Act. The state asked a federal appeals court to interpret the 1965 law in a way that could make it much harder to ...
The world's largest iceberg — which is roughly the size of Rhode Island — is fast approaching a remote British Island and wildlife haven As of Jan. 16, the megaberg, known as A23a, is roughly 180 ...
The world’s largest iceberg – A23a – continues to move along its collision course with the remote British island of South Georgia. If previous iceberg crashes are anything to go by, a bump with this ...
The world’s largest iceberg is still on the move and there are fears that it could be headed north from Antarctica towards the island of South Georgia.