They angrily accuse Israel of being “colonizers” yet 67 countries speak English, 21 countries speak Spanish, 29 countries ...
The Hanging Gardens of Babylon are considered one of the Seven Wonders of the ancient world, yet its origins have always been ...
Sudani, emphasized the importance of private sector partnerships to reduce reliance on imports and meet domestic industrial ...
American leaders should reject any form of mission creep in the Middle East – including state building and countering Iranian ...
By John Lee. Iraq's Ministry of Construction, Housing, and Public Municipalities has said it has made significant progress on ...
The geographic area we now call Iraq has long sat between empires as a battleground, bridge or frontier ...
What if you built a gun so powerful it could fire projectiles into space? That’s exactly what Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein ...
When it comes to operating beyond the limits of the known world into the world of imagination, [the tablet] is indispensable, ...
Researchers are shedding light on an ancient Babylonian tablet known as the oldest map of the world. The map was likely ...
In a revelation that bridges millennia, the Babylonian Map of the World, or "Imago Mundi," has emerged as a dazzling relic of ...
The Babylonian Map of the World, originating from ancient Iraq around the sixth century B.C., is the oldest known map.
JANAJAH, Iraq - Bare feet pressed against the rough trunk of a palm tree, his back supported by a metal and fabric harness, ...