while nearly 40 per cent of the films reviewed had no AAPI representation at all. This means only 3.4 per cent of the top-grossing movies in 13 years featured at least one AAPI protagonist in a ...
Few streaming services provide as much data about the popularity of their shows and movies as Netflix. It reveals some ...
The beauty of the movie, and of Timothée Chalamet's performance, is it captures how the key to Dylan's music wasn't its ...
I believe it belongs in the canon — not just rock movies, but cinema in general. I have thought about this a lot in the past ...
Why we’re excited: To see The Rock work with one of the great young ... since there was a new Lynne Ramsay movie. To all of those who would like more comedies on the big screen—Paul Rudd ...
Bartees Strange talks about the scary movies and real-life experiences that went into his new album, 'Horror,' recorded with Jack Antonoff ...
We pay tribute to the best examples of the most disposable movie type of all: January movies, often dropped into obscurity.
Find out who will perform at Donald Trump's inauguration as Kid Rock, Billy Ray Cyrus, & more join Carrie Underwood to headline the event. Read on to know the details.
From Road House to Point Break to True Lies, there are plenty of great mindless action movies out there for Fast & Furious ...