In the wake of devastating wildfires in Los Angeles that struck at the heart of the movie industry, the twice-delayed nominations to the 97th Academy Awards are being announced Thursday.
This year’s Oscar best picture nominees have had different lives at theaters so far. “Dune: Part Two” and “Wicked” are among ...
A towering edifice in its own right, Corbet’s film indulges itself at times — one scene of sexual violence is utterly unnecessary — but remains wholly absorbing despite its lengthy runtime. Callina ...
Adrien Brody previously became the youngest man ever to win the Best Actor prize at the Academy Awards in 2003, when he won for 'The Pianist' at 29 Adrien Brody is reflecting on the highs and lows of ...
Fresh off a Best Actor Academy Award nomination for his work in The Brutalist, Adrien Brody has weighed in on whether or not he'd enter into the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The Oscar-winner nearly ...