Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO) has published a new resource to help postsecondary instructors recognize Indigenous Knowledges in the classroom and encourage critical thinking. The ...
In an opinion piece for the Globe and Mail, Dr Paul Kershaw (University of British Columbia) urges advocacy groups and universities to make bolder demands of federal and provincial budgets. Kershaw ...
Western University and the Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences have launched a mathematics centre called the Fields-Western Collaboration Centre. The centre will offer a space for ...
Indigenous children in British Columbia will have access to more culturally relevant child care spaces with over 300 new child care spaces opening in the province. Three new Aboriginal Head Start ...
The federal Tri-agency recently awarded funding to researchers, projects, and infrastructure in the country through programs such as the College and Community Innovation (CCI) program, John R Evans ...
First Nations Agriculture and Finance Ontario (FNAFO) has launched a program that will help Indigenous youth learn more about pursuing a career in agriculture. The program will teach high school ...
The École des sciences de la gestion (ESG) at the Université du Québec à Montréal has received dual international accreditation from the Association of MBAs (AMBA) and the Business Graduates ...
The Government of Québec is investing $13.5M in the relocation of the École nationale de l’humour (ENH). With this funding, ENH will purchase a building in Montréal’s Quartier Latin that is better ...
The Government of Canada is partnering with Mila, Québec’s Artificial Intelligence Institute, to explore responsible cultural data governance as part of the country’s broader efforts in AI. Mila–a ...
NSCAD University has officially opened a new space that will permanently house the Treaty Space Gallery, an artistic gallery that will also serve as NSCAD U’s Indigenous Student Centre. The ...
The British Columbia Institute of Technology, Cambrian College, OCAD University, and Thompson Rivers University have recently opened new labs and training spaces on their campuses. BCIT, in ...
The University of the Fraser Valley has officially opened its newly renovated Mission campus. This campus will house the UFV School of Education, bringing the university’s teacher education and early ...