Turkmen athletes have risen to a new level in the world rankings at the 45th World Chess Championship that ended in Budapest ...
Today, the capital hosted a solemn ceremony of presenting high state awards and badges of honourary titles to the best ...
In the era of the Revival of the new epoch of the powerful state, our Fatherland is celebrating the 33 rd anniversary of sacred independence with great celebrations and remarkable successes. Over the ...
To award the following citizens of our country the title of «Hormatly il ýaşulusy» of Turkmenistan: Acting Head of the Department of Social Sciences of the Turkmen State Institute of Finance ...
The President of Turkmenistan signed the Resolution, according to which number of the heads of the government authorities were awarded with commemorative badge on occasion of the 27th anniversary of ...
When copying materials, a link to the site «Turkmenistan: Golden age» is required!
The Business forum in Ulan Bator focused on the issues of developing mutually beneficial cooperation between Turkmenistan and Mongolia. The delegation of Turkmenistan, including specialists of ...
The historic drama «Jelaleddin Sutan – pride of Fatherland» by People's Writer of Turkmenistan Govshutgeldi Danatarov, became the present for the on-stage performance group of the Main Dramatic ...
President, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the country Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov signed the Decree on Amendments to some Decrees of the President of Turkmenistan and on recognition of the ...
Gyzyklanma bildirilýän pikir alyşmalaryň barşynda taraplar Türkmenistan bilen Astrahan oblastynyň arasyndaky hyzmatdaşlygyň ...
Eziz Diýarymyz Türkmenistan mukaddes Garaşsyzlygymyzyň 33 ýyllygyny belleýär. Häzirki wagtda Döwlet münberiniň toplumynyň ...
Si­zi gö­zel Di­ýa­ry­myz­da giň­den we da­ba­ra­ly bel­le­nil­ýän mil­li baý­ram — Türk­me­nis­ta­nyň Ga­raş­syz­lyk gü­ni ...