When M23 rebels swept into the Congolese city of Goma this week, world powers urged them to immediately withdraw. Instead, the Rwanda-backed insurgents are intent on showing they can restore order and ...
Thousands of Israelis gathered in Hostages Square in Tel Aviv, some cheering and some in tears, as a giant television screen broadcast the first glimpse of the first three hostages to be released ...
U.S. President Donald Trump's supporters on Monday praised his swift executive actions upon his return to the White House, while critics derided his planned mass deportations and a rollback in ...
Thousands of Donald Trump's supporters packed a Washington arena on Sunday to celebrate his victory, a day before the president-elect returns to power with plans to aggressively reshape U.S.
今日是年初三, 入境處預計上午是出入境高峰期. 截至下午4時, 有67.6萬人次經各出入境管制站進出本港. 其中入境人次近28萬, 主要是內地入境旅客, 有近15.7萬人次, 最多是經高鐵西九龍站入境, 有近4萬內地旅客使用. 至於出境人次有超過39.6萬, 本港居民佔近32萬, 最多人使用的是港珠澳大橋口岸, 有超過6.8萬人次, 其次是落馬洲支線, 羅湖及深圳口岸.
Passengers evacuated from an Air Busan plane that was engulfed in flames this week at a South Korean airport will have their checked baggage returned to them, after authorities on Friday deemed the je ...
Myanmar's ruling military has extended a state of emergency for another six months, state media reported on Friday, a day ahead of the four-year anniversary of a coup that plunged the country into cha ...
Ultimate Fighting Championship President Dana White said comments made by featherweight fighter Bryce Mitchell about Adolf Hitler were "beyond disgusting". Speaking on the first episode of his 'ArkanS ...
衛生防護中心表示, 截至星期一, 本港在今個流感季節, 錄得158宗成人嚴重個案, 其中98人死亡, 長者佔近九成. 單計上星期, 成人嚴重個案有65宗, 近七成人未有接種流感疫苗, 當中46人死亡, 而過去三個星期, 累計有88宗死亡個案, 是五個流感季節以來的同期新高. 中心數據顯示, 整體流感活躍程度持續上升, 至今錄得8宗兒童嚴重個案, 當中以感染甲型H1流感病毒佔最多, 分別出現腦病變、 ...
港燈和社聯合辦的「香港第三齡學苑」, 早前推出樂齡大使訓練計劃, 吸引80多名退休人士參加, 加深對人工智能和可持續發展的認識, 並到訪大灣區, 實地考察國內智慧養老的最新發展. 港燈指, 本年度的計劃以「擁抱科技.智慧樂齡」為主題, 除了一系列在港舉行的訓練活動, 參加者本月中亦到廣州, 考察當地結合醫療與安老的「康養」模式, 先後到訪位於白雲區的康養小區和海珠區的養老公寓, 了解內地在院舍規劃 ...
意大利數據保護局表示, 已封鎖中國人工智能模型DeepSeek, 理由是DeepSeek對個人數據的使用, 缺乏透明度. DeepSeek已無法在意大利的蘋果和Google應用商店下載. 意大利數據保護局說, 為保護當地用戶的數據安全, 在剛過去的周二, 要求DeepSeek提供關於個人數據使用的詳細資訊, 包括如何蒐集個人資料、 從哪裡蒐集、 用於甚麼目的和資料儲存哪裡等, 但DeepSeek提 ...
A congressional delegation will visit New Orleans on Friday to inspect security ahead of the Feb. 9 Super Bowl following a New Year's Day attack in the city that killed 14 people and injured scores mo ...