The first novel under the imprint, "Honeysuckle and Bone" by Trisha Tobias, tells the story of Carina, an 18-year-old who travels to Jamaica to nanny for a wealthy family, only to uncover dark ...
Zando — Sweet July Books Trisha Tobias’ thrilling debut novel will hit shelves soon. PEOPLE has an exclusive first look at the cover of Tobias’ forthcoming book, Honeysuckle and Bone.
The first novel, "Honeysuckle and Bone" by Trisha Tobias, follows a young woman discovering dark secrets in Jamaica. They join "CBS Mornings." ...
uplifting diverse voices and why she selected her imprint's first novel "Honeysuckle and Bone" by Trisha Tobias.
The first novel under the imprint, "Honeysuckle and Bone" by Trisha Tobias, tells the story of Carina, an 18-year-old who travels to Jamaica to nanny for a wealthy family, only to uncover dark ...