The children of Leelama Lal, 67, of Royal Palm Beach faulted the lack of security they say led to the beating and may leave ...
A Florida nurse who had essentially every bone in her face broken by a Baker Act patient who attacked her has a long road to ...
The family of a Palm Beach County nurse brutally attacked by a psychiatric patient at Palms West Hospital is demanding ...
Leelamma Lal, a 67-year-old nurse at HCA Florida Palms West Hospital, may lose her eyesight as a result of the beating she ...
The man accused of brutally attacking a nurse at Loxahatchee hospital is headed back to court where a judge will decide ...
(This story was updated because an earlier version included an inaccuracy.) ROYAL PALM BEACH — Cindy Joseph was expecting a call from her mother last week, but she knew something was wrong when ...
A spokesperson told WPTV that Scantlebury had driven himself to the hospital to seek treatment for an issue not related to ...
Scantlebury escaped the hospital after the attack and was later arrested while running down Southern Boulevard.