A transistor – a word blend of "transfer" and "resistor" – is a fundamental component of today's advanced electronics. Essentially, a transistor, as one of the foundational elements of modern ...
Bell Telephone Laboratories develops the transistor in 1947. UNIVAC, the Universal Automatic Computer (pictured below), is developed in 1951. It can store 12,000 digits in random access mercury ...
We aren't sure of the proposed critical dimension, but ASML's transistor timeline above shows it is intercepting at 16nm ...
CMOS technology combines two types of transistors that work together, leading to efficient power use and high noise immunity. CMOS technology uses two different types of transistors, n-type (nMOS) and ...
A new report suggests the iPhone 18 Pro models will feature 2nm chips in 2026, while the iPhone 17 will get enhanced 3nm ...
Apart from the inevitable long timeline it will take to see the material ... While active-matrix transistor array-based sensors can provide signals that reduce crosstalk between individual pixels ...
One of the transistor's inventors ... PBS's The American Experience created a great historical timeline of the birth of Silicon Valley that gives excellent detail on the founding technologies ...
Development methodologies combine old and new techniques, but getting any new material into high-volume manufacturing is a ...
Samsung is facing ongoing challenges with 2nm chip yields, prompting the company to withdraw personnel from its $17 billion ...
As Samsung Foundry struggles with yields at below 3nm nodes, it decides to cut personnel at Taylor, Texas fab.
One classic example is the effort at Bell Labs in the 1940s to replace the bulky vacuum tubes used in telephone systems, which led to the invention of the semiconductor transistor and a Nobel ...