According to experiments and computer simulations, the radiation of a nuclear blast could be enough to change the trajectory ...
When a massive star explodes as a supernova, it does more than release an extraordinary amount of energy. Supernovae ...
Humanity could use a nuclear bomb to deflect a massive, life-threatening asteroid hurtling towards Earth in the future, ...
The DRACO mission will capture every moment of its fiery plunge through Earth's atmosphere, recording its own dramatic demise ...
Scientists used mannequins Helga and Zohar on NASA's Artemis I mission to gather data on radiation exposure beyond Earth's magnetic field. The findings will help protect astronauts on future missions ...
A new study has found that galactic cosmic radiation (GCR) can cause long-lasting learning deficits in female rodents, adding to the known risks of space travel on cognitive health.
With the help of mannequins named Helga and Zohar and sensors placed inside a spacecraft, scientists have collected valuable ...
And now scientists have figured out where this dinosaur-killing rock likely came from. According to research headed by Mario ...
The groundbreaking study demonstrates for the first time how a nuclear blast could alter the course of a threatening asteroid ...
Researchers release initial measurements of radiation levels experienced inside NASA’s Orion spacecraft during its 25-day ...
China to launch near-Earth asteroid sample return mission in 2025 China will launch the Tianwen-2 mission to sample a ...
Research published in the Astrophysical Journal Letters reveals that supernovae release iron isotopes into space.