Director James Ashcroft and puppeteer Paul Lewis take IndieWire inside the demented delivery room for a new film distributed ...
Since the release of his debut album Learning back in 2010, Perfume Genius has been carving out his own lane in alternative ...
masks and mojigangas. He uses his formal artistic training to make them pleasing and well-proportioned — what he described as “humanoid.” “I want to fill the world with mojigangas,” Mr ...
In Tenerife goes all Rio de Janeiro style with glitzy elaborate costumes and in Cádiz there are lots of jokes and plenty songs, while the town of Laza in Galicia celebrates with creepy masks and mud .
XINHUA One sheet of paper takes three days to make. The process includes soaking, steaming, pulping, sheet-forming and drying. "The paper does not require bleaching. As long as the sunshine is ...
and for making public appearances with a mask on. The mystery of Orville’s facial features has made him a pop culture fixture, and we’ve seen celebs like Sia play a similar game with her ...
Jim enjoyed using pastels for drawing portraits and created paper mache masks and wire sculpture. He created many carved wood panels, some for area businesses and others reflecting his interests ...
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