A cheap new test using origami paper sensors can detect infectious diseases like COVID-19, much more quickly than current PCR ...
The sensors detect roughly 20 copies of pathogenic RNA per reaction sample and offers comparable specificity and sensitivity to PCR testing.
Researchers have developed an innovative new method for identifying biomarkers in wastewater using origami-paper sensors, enabling the tracking of infectious diseases using the camera in a mobile ...
The innovative method for identifying biomarkers in wastewater enables rapid tracking of infectious diseases using the camera in a mobile phone.
This affordable and rapid testing device has the potential to transform how public health strategies are implemented during ...
This alters the fluorescent signal, because the distance between the fluorescent label and a second fluorescent molecule on ...
LMU chemists present two studies that open up new possibilities for biotechnological applications.
In the world of nanotechnology, the development of dynamic systems that respond to molecular signals is becoming increasingly ...
Researchers show how DNA origami and fluorescent probes can be used to release molecular cargo in a targeted manner.
Researchers have created DNA origami-based sensors capable of detecting lipid vesicles and delivering molecular cargo using ...