Discover the biggest rumors and leaks for upcoming LEGO sets in 2025, including the first ever $1000 LEGO set!
When it comes to movies and TV shows, we haven't seen these alien species so much in the universe of Star Wars. They deserve ...
During a promotional interview for The Acolyte, one of the newest Disney+ series in the Star Wars canon, actor Charlie ...
Disney canceled The Acolyte despite its success, citing production costs. Fans explain how the decision reflects deeper ...
One of the funniest people on the internet, Vinny Thomas has a new role in star-studded comedy 'You're Cordially Invited.' ...
Marvel unveils its plans to expand the lore of the Star Wars original trilogy with new stories set after Return of the Jedi.
After filling in the gaps between the Original Trilogy movies, Marvel Comics' next wave of Star Wars titles will pick up with ...
The first comic of Marvel's new Star Wars era arrives on Star Wars Day 2025, and it's free ...