The domestication of the silk moth is one of the oldest examples of insect domestication. The process of silk farming ...
Okay, so the giant wood moth isn’t exactly of kaiju proportions, but in insect terms, it’s still pretty hefty; some female members of this species have a wingspan of around 23 centimeters (9 inches) ...
There isn’t a big difference between a butterfly and a moth, but we all know which one out of the two gets more love in the world. Butterflies are bright, colourful and pretty – you can get ...
This is why, if you opened Fort Knox now, you'd find nothing but moths and half-eaten IOUs ... Ultimately, gold must rally to appease China, which is tired of it being manipulated lower—but ...
Native to China, India, Malaysia and Indonesia, the moth shares a name with Atlas, the Titan god of Greek mythology. Atlas was burdened with the task of holding up the heavens for all eternity, and ...